Switching from a Taxable Car Allowance Saved One Company $2,000 per Driver, per Year

A leading retail merchandiser was administering a flat (taxable) car allowance to reimburse thousands of its mobile employees.  It sought a solution that would both reduce costs and improve efficiencies of their workforce. The organization achieved their goals by hiring Motus to administer a tax-free Fixed and Variable Rate (FAVR) reimbursement program for their employees.

"By eliminating payroll taxes and providing a net reimbursement to our employees, we discovered that transitioning to a 100% tax-free program would save us over $2,000 per driver, per year. It would have an immediate and significant impact on our bottom line, without any negative financial impact to our employees." - Vice President, Finance at retail merchandiser

Download our free case study to explore how Motus helped a major merchandiser accomplish the following:

  • Cost reduction
  • Fair and accurate reimbursement for each employee
  • Improved efficiency, productivity, and accountability



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